Current Exporter
If you are an existing exporter, you will, by now, have experienced some frustrating moments getting your goods to your customer. Some of these impediments to exporting can be attibuted to:
1. Supply chain control;
2. Compliance with Government requirements;
3. Timeliness.
A Trade Consultants review of your company’s current export transactions may be worthwhile. As with importers, your company may achieve significant cost savings with limited input by you – we only need your written authorisation to receive a download of your export transactional information from the Australian Border Force (ABF).
You should also be aware that, in Australia, there are a number of trade assistance programs designed to assist exporters. These programs are adminstered by AusIndustry, AusTrade and ABF. Some examples of trade assistance programs for exporters are:
Specific Industry Grants;
Tradex and duty drawback schemes;
All of these can reduce or eliminate costs that may otherwise be imbedded in the export selling price that your company charges its overseas customers. Trade Consultants can assist your company with all of the above. If you would like to know, please click on the link below to make contact.